Do you have a “home based business” in your neighborhood? Is it the guy who fixes cars, who always has an least a half dozen parked all around his place and on the street, making a racket when you need some peace? Or is it a sole practictioner who most guys do not even know is running a business from his house? Or maybe you have a home based business or are considering one for yourself? If it is either or neither, it could be, so probably a good time to examine the Maui County Council’s Planning Committee consideration of modifying the present home business law. South Maui’s resident Council-member Don Couch has announced a series of evening committee meetings on this proposal, with Kihei’s starting at 6:00 PM at the Community Center on Lipoa on Monday Oct 28. For additional information, contact Don Couch at at 270-7108 or via e-mail at  

Don Couch

Don Couch




Don Couch

Don Couch




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