IMG_1744SEE UPDATE!!!    12/3/15   Since the Board of Supervisors of Maui yielded to our current system of Mayor (Administration) and Council (Legislation) a half century ago, there have been a variety of considerations if this was best for our multi-island County.

Recently there appears to be a dedicated will to examine this topic, as we see the County Cost of Government Commission,(Commission) as well as a Special Council Committee on County Governance (Committee) both investigating this issue.

Several times last year the Maui News has published editorials, citizen Viewpoints, and numerous letters to editor on this subject, a good indicator of the popularity and concern of this matter.

Frequent visitors to this site are long aware that this would be the topic for our first General Membership, Community meeting, as shown on the opening page bulletin board since November.

We were very pleased to share with the community that we had two informed guests to present their point of view, County Managing Director Keith Regan and frequent topic commentator, Mark Hyde.

While the “temporary” (180 days) Committee was newly established just for this task, and is set to have just their third semi monthly meeting a few days before our gathering, the Commission, which meets monthly has had a few more, but as best as we can determine, both are far from any conclusions.

Thus KCA believes our public forum may be very informative to our members and the community as we kick off the new year.

Same time and place as always, 6:30 PM, third Tuesday at the Kihei Charter School 41 E Lipoa, with doors open at 6:00 PM to set up the room while sharing snacks and expressing post holiday greetings. All welcome, but membership encouraged, but everyone is asked for a Maui Food Bank donation (check or non perishable items). IMG_2191IMG_1960


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