IMG_9272 IMG_9273 IMG_9277 IMG_9279 IMG_9281Your Association’s observed construction beginning the “Traffic Operating Improvements” this morning (11/3/14)at this busy intersection, as reported by announcement in Maui News for three days in late October by Goodfellow Brothers (GFB.)

Since the Maui County Planning Commission added a condition “ ‘That the applicant shall include the addition of pedestrian friendly access sidewalks for the project area within their construction plans to the satisfaction of the Planning Department prior to construction and evidence of approval to be provided in the Preliminary Compliance Report’”, we expected sidewalks would be installed. ( SEE

MCPC minutes 8/14/12.

Thus we were surprised when experienced eyes looked at proposed diagram of project and said they see no sidewalks! So we called GFB to inquire and they confirmed NO sidewalks will be installed.

So we see yet another example of in spite of all the talk abut complete streets, walkable/bikeable community, pedestrian safety for keiki and kupuna, safe routes to school, etc, etc, it still is more about talking and less about walking; more about jiving and less about riding. Where is the action and results? We do not see it?  With no bike routes or even bike lanes, and  no sidewalks, kids ride bikes in streets and seniors walk along the road, both competing with motor vehicles     IMG_9287 IMG_9285 IMG_9288 IMG_9291



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