UPDATE: 12/5/13. Your Association was well represented at the beginning of the ceremony, but then depated for out last BOD meeting of 2013. However more than half of the County Council were on hand with our Mayor and a lot of his team, and of course a large contingent of MPD. An observation of yet one more example of much talk about a walkable/bikeable community, but manini action. If a resident wanted to walk or bicycle to the new station, could one safely to do? Walking or bicycling along the Pi’ilani Hwy is certainly not safe. If they tried approaching going mauka on Kanani, while there is a traffic signal light, there is no marked crosswalk. A pedetrian or cyclist has no way to activate the traffic signal. Assuming they were able to overcome these obstacles, they find no bicycle racks at the new station.
UPDATE 11/8/13 Exactly two years after the groundbreaking (see below,) the grand opening and blessing of the Kihei Police Station is scheduled on December 5. at 9:00 AM. While South Maui residents hope for improved MPD services in our area once the facility is open, just like the original Police station in Wailuku is not just for that local community, the entire county wide department will utilize this facility in numerous ways. Just one feature is Recruit Training Academy for the entire department.
Maui News article on 11/12/13
Ceremony set to be unveiling of police station in Kihei
November 12, 2013
The Kihei Police Station will be unveiled next month during a blessing and dedication ceremony by the Maui Police Department.
The ceremony is set to begin at 9 a.m. Dec. 5 – exactly two years after breaking ground.
The station is situated on 10.2 acres mauka of Piilani Highway at its intersection with Kanani Road. The project cost more than $30 million, and it is nearly as large as the Wailuku Police Station, police said.
Article Photos

The new Kihei Police Station will be blessed on Dec. 5
Maui Police Department / TONY EARLES photo
The Kihei police complex includes a two-story, 47,000-square-foot main building, a radio tower, a mechanical building and a bulk storage building. The storage building includes a forensic vehicle bay as well as space to store specialty vehicles and a car wash. The complex also has an impound lot behind the station.
Assistant Police Chief Larry Hudson said that the station will hold a soft opening before the dedication and blessing, and it will have at least 65 employees, including officers and support staff. Police will leave the current station, which has operated from a storefront space in Kihei Town Center. Police recruit training classes will be relocated from the Wailuku Police Station to the Kihei station.
The new station includes a patrol squad room, locker rooms, an evidence room, an exercise room and a dojo for martial arts training.
Monday morning, 12/5/11, all the assorted MPD vehicles turning mauka off the Pi’ilani Hwy were not part of any emergency, but were heading, along with numerous county officials, to the official groundbreaking of the long awaited Kihei Makena Police Station. Initially budgeted for $40. M, one plus side to the economic depression, was reduced costs for county taxpayers, as the winnuing bid was for $28. M.
At a site just south of Kanani Rd, looking out at Maalaea Bay, the complex, which will replace the “store front” one sitting in the Tsunami zone on S Kihei Rd, has a proposed completion date of 6/5/13. In addition, many departments presently jammed in to the Wailuku station will be relocated here, for the betterment of the Police Department islandwide.
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Yawn! Another travesty by the county of Maui in the construction of the new armory. Not a single solar panel on the roof to help the taxpayer’s energy costs, located on Monsansto land, and at their entrance, for their protection and patronage. The company that gave us Agent Orange and pesticides also gave South Maui a presence of a police state.