Last evening (12/3/13) at the Community Center the Public Access Room’s (PAR) annual Neighbor Island outreach program came to Kihei to help insure our residents can be informed. Virginia Beck offered a informative power point presentation to explain how the process works. Unfortunately your Association representative was only joined by two other individuals in the cavernous room. The two hour presentation was divided into two sessions.  

Part 1 (1st hour)How the Legislative Process Works (and How to Work It) 5:30- 6:30 PM

Part 2 (2nd hour)Digging Deeper (interactive session) 6:30-7:30 PM.

The three in attendance were there to learn how the Hawaii State Legislature system functions. The 2014 session is scheduled to open the middle of next month January, 2014 and conclude in May . The PAR, a division of the State of Hawaii’s non-partisan Legislative Reference Bureau, is the public’s office at the State Capitol and has long been devoted to assisting residents as they engage in State legislative government. Afterward we discussed why our area expressed so little interest in the process. 

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