UPDATE  2/8/25

On Saturday morning,, well over a week after the storm, SKR remains closed at the box culvert crossing the Kulanihako’i stream, just South of Kaonoulu St. As the NSCR is several years away here, the means all transit N-S in on the 4 lane undivided Pi’ilani Hwy.

While we have not seen any official info from the County, there is some community expectation that major actions will be required before crossing here safely can be permitted.

KCA has been advocating for many years for a permanent solution at this key location to no avail.  SEE    https://gokihei.org/environment/kulanihaoi-river-bridge-proposal-was-discussed-monday-5-14-2018-in-council-chambers-at-iem-but-no-firm-conclusion-yet             and https://gokihei.org/environment/kulanihakoi-river-gulch-bridge-project-goes-back-to-the-drawing-board











UPDATE 2/6/25

On Thursday, work crews were clearing downed trees just makai of SKR roadway at Kaonoulu intersection which remains closed




Across from Wailana Place,   we see a repeat  of last year of Southbound lane of SKR collapsed onto the beach .

Visitors here have front row of view of the roadwork









2/4/25 #kihei

To close out January, Hawaii was belted with a  strong rain and wind storm, so as usual this meant more mud floods for South Maui. Just like the storm a year ago, parts of South Kihei Road in North Kihei collapsed, and this afternoon (2/4/25) remain closed. County advised: “South Kīhei Road remains closed to the general public from Ohukai Road to Kūlanihākoʻi Street. These areas are open to residential traffic only.”

This segment  closure South of Kaonoulu as far as Kulanihako’i is most difficult for the community,  as there is no way to drive, bicycle or walk south-bound except the 4-lane Pi‘ilani Highway, which is unsafe for walking & cycling.

Looking North from Kaonoulu, we can see the work crew in the South-bound lane where the road surface fell onto the sand (again).

These guys are responsible for all the signs and barriers to close the road

While observing the South Kihei Road situation, we also see the condition of the beach

This spot is the same one that was “rebuilt” one year ago after the road was closed. It took weeks before the road was open between Ohukai and Kaonoulu.

What advice exactly is this sign board supposed to offer?


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