UPDATE  4/7/14  If you attended this presentation last August, you may be interested that Lauren has an on line petition not on Climate Change, but related protecting Hawaii’s Coral Reef System at      https://www.change.org/petitions/protect-hawaii-s-reef-fish-from-the-aquarium-trade?utm_source=action_alert&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=53770&alert_id=DJrHAcUlBq_ARvONserXp

Last evening (8/20/13) Lauren Campbell held the interest of  attendees at this general membership community meeting with her power point presentation  of Climate Change. Following Director Daniel Kanehele’s opening Sense of Place examining  community importance of  historic preservation   and Sarah Mc Lane ‘s introduction of the Maui Nui Marine Resource Council to the motivated audience, Campbell took stage with a confidence well beyond her years as she moved through her power point presentation,offering a non-political scientific view of effects now and future of climate change.

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