Always informative! Could not attend in person – no car! Bob Weltman is a repository of information, but when he speaks at the meeting – he talks too fast (looking down) & too low (making him hard to hear). I hope you see this as a constructive comment, as he is a major benefit to South Maui and the Community Planning group he chaired did such an amazing job! As someone who listened to the speakers online, who could not turn my volume up any higher, I just wanted to give back constructive feedback with my appreciation to KCA folks for making these meetings possible! I hope to be able to sign up for the ‘South Maui Voice Team” (hope the sign-up will be online). Thanks again for all the KCA contributions!!! Judi
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Always informative! Could not attend in person – no car! Bob Weltman is a repository of information, but when he speaks at the meeting – he talks too fast (looking down) & too low (making him hard to hear). I hope you see this as a constructive comment, as he is a major benefit to South Maui and the Community Planning group he chaired did such an amazing job! As someone who listened to the speakers online, who could not turn my volume up any higher, I just wanted to give back constructive feedback with my appreciation to KCA folks for making these meetings possible! I hope to be able to sign up for the ‘South Maui Voice Team” (hope the sign-up will be online). Thanks again for all the KCA contributions!!! Judi