UPDATE 8/8/24 Today we find one of the bike lane problems was addressed Most of the impediments on South side of Kaonoulu near SKR.

Much of the mud accumulated in this bike lane from the last mud flood and the dead tree residue were removed to help with cycling safety

Yes there remains some locations that still narrow the lane and push cyclists to edge of the traffic lane, making it difficult to maintain the required three foot rule between bikes & motor vehicles
UPDATE 7/29/24 More of the same at other So Maui locations:

Around 800 SKR the Southbound bike lane is shrinking, unless the County was trying for a unicycle here
Then we see the outstanding Lipoa Parkway, now a four lane divided road with wide bike lanes on both sides and buffeted sidewalks all with lots of shade trees!

But if thoughtless drivers just park right in the bike lane, that voids all the green planning and engineering
Moving to NSCR, South of Waipuilani, where we find the outstanding ( if too short) bike path, one of the very few safe places to cycle, which is also green

Here we see the incredible shrinking bike path
Even the best cycling locations need some care
5/28/24 #kihei
Most recreational cyclists riding across Kihei try to avoid the State Highway and South Kihei Road (SKR) by using residential streets for safety. But between Ka‘ono‘ulu and Waipuilani there are no such alternatives. Proceeding South on SKR immediately past Ka‘ono‘ulu at the “temporary bridge” over Kulanihakoi Stream, the bike lane is continually blocked by dirt.

The southbound bike lane on SKR is overwhelmed with dirt forcing cyclists into the traffic lane crossing the bridge over Kūlanihāko‘i stream
Riding North on SKR, most turn right onto Ka‘ono‘ulu, as while SKR does have a short bike lane fronting Hilton Time Share, it soon ends and soon after there is not even a shoulder!

As the bike lane going north ends, the narrow shoulder is covered with sand and soon afterwards disappears completely
But turning onto Ka‘ono‘ulu, that bike lane is not useable due to numerous impediments.
Proceeding mauka, cyclists are confronted with tree limbs…
and/or blocked by tree limbs.
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