Planning Dept is proposing some changes for off-street parking regulations









2/28/18 #kihei
This evening planning department deputy director Michele McLean conducted a small public meeting to seek input on some proposed changes to regulations for off-street vehicle parking regulations.

Attendance doubled from just five to ten after the 5:00 PM start, and we were the only community association represented, as the majority were business interests, and one concerned citizen. Michele was accompanied by David Raatz from the department for the 90 minute meeting which offered a variety of points of view.

KCA basically championed reducing paved parking lots and the need for green streets and green design principals to deal with drainage. We look for grass or “grasscrete”, pavers or at least gravel rather than asphalt whenever possible. We also echoed former planning Director Penny Wakeda’s proposal for extensive use and proper maintainance of trees in all parking areas.

The matter is set to go before the County Planning Commission on March 13, where the public can submit testimony.

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