
Last evening, 11/29/16, County of Maui Department of Water Supply, Water Resources & Planning Division offered to a tiny segment the community (13 to start) a long very detailed presentation entitled, “Public Workshop- Maui Island Water Use and Development Plan.” But even when late and very later arrivals increased attendance to about 20, their seeming consensus was that it was not a plan at all, as it fit few parameters of what a plan should be. It lacked sources of funding and even what such funding would achieve. There were almost no time estimates or proposed achievements, who would be tasked with any actions, or just what they would do. It contained complex and detailed data, and undoubtedly huge amounts of time and effort were spent in preparation. Probably most depressing was a comment from an informed attendee that this process had originated in 2004, and still there was no plan

As this was directed at two large growing communities, Central and South Maui, and the topic was a vital one, we expected the Santos Community Center to be overflowing.

The presenters were County Planners Eva Blumenestein, who did the vast amount with occasional additions and supplements from Pamela Townsend. Long time Department Director Dave Taylor was conspicuous by his absence.

In the small group KCA’s presence was strong with two directors and a few general members for the three hour meeting.

Video of the meeting:
Part I
Part II

For information see:

The meeting materials are here: img_4873 img_4875 img_4876 img_4878 img_4875 img_4879

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