Watch for growth in this part of the river

UPDATE 2/14/22 In what may be the final action by County DPW in this river basin, it appears they have sprayed the entire area to induce growth of ground cover.  As all the equipment has been withdrawn & the lower portion on the river seems untouched as a very narrow shallow overgrown segment from the NSCR corridor to the kai, perhaps the intent is to have the cleared segment act as a retention/detention basin in future flooding.

UPDATE 2/2/22  2:22PM  Work continues with truckloads of dirt being hauled out of the riverbed















UPDATE  1/27/22 Just a few days later at the same location we can see size of mud mounds has greatly increased and watch the continued process as empty dirt haul trucks arrive.
























1/24/22 #kihei

Looks like the latest recurring episode of mudfloods has attracted some entities to both the Waipuilani and Kulanihakoi river areas recently.

This morning we see the North/South Collector Road (NSCR) gate was opened at Liloa and Waipuilani for equipment to be brought to the Waipuilani River gulch just makai of Pi’ilani Hwy.







The 2 smaller white vehicles, a tanker and a pick up truck were staged near the corridor.


“Alpha” tanker seems to be on stand by alert









Due to location of the heavy equipment, we were unsure if this was Hawaii Dept of Transportation or the County Dept of Public Works contracted work, but we received quick input from State that it was not them and it looked like County contractor. While any mitigation is positive, all indications are the dire action needs to be done makai of the NSCR corridor, as that segment is extremely narrow.









Meanwhile we see different equipment for last several days around the area north of here by the Kulanihakoi River. While we are still baffled how a private entity gets to own a river, it seems the prior owner of some of this land just sold it this month to an unidentified buyer for unspecified use.

In our opinion, the makai end of this river is not even an indentation, much less a gulch, so water flowing under the highway is  just following the path of least resistance onto roadways and parking lots before reaching the kai.

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