While they apparently have sent out the required notice to anyone within 500′ of this proposed, residential development, Chris Hart and Partners,(CHP) has advised that anyone interest is welcome to attend at St Teresa’s Church Hall at 25.E Lipoa on Thursday

The prior Thursday ( 2/18/16) our Design Review Committee (DRC)  met with them, and facilitate our “Smart Growth Scorecard.”

SEE https://gokihei.org/environment/our-design-review-committee-drc-scores-first-development-for-2016


The following is provided to the public from CHP concerning their meeting 2/25/16:

The project is located at 2443/2445 South Kihei Road (TMK: (2) 3-9-020:0010, 011, & 012) and is designated Urban by the State, Multi-Family (parcels 11 & 12) and Hotel (parcel 10) by the Kihei-Makena Community Plan, and H-2 and H-M Hotel district by the County.  The three parcels total 4.231 acres and is accessed from both South Kihei Road and the North-South Collector Road (Liloa Drive).

The developers are proposing a one hundred percent (100%) workforce housing condominium complex consisting of 129 one-, two-, and three-bedroom units within five 3-story buildings. 265 parking stalls are provided and amenities include recreation areas for residents.

An SMA Use Permit application was originally submitted in 2005, but the application was allowed to lapse due to the economic downturn.  The project has been revised somewhat: increase in units from 124 to 129.  Agency review has been completed and the project will be reviewed by the UDRB before review by the Planning Commission.



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