At the County Council meeting this afternoon, as expected the CC referred the County Governance issue IMG_3647 to the PIA Committee for discussion which will begin at 9:00 AM on 6/27/16 . Presently, KCA stands by our resolution to get this matter on the November ballot to allow the voters decide what type of county government they want.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  We have followed this issue since in rose from the ashes of many previous attempts. We attended, observed on Akaku and testified twice. We devoted an entire Community meeting to the discussion. Using our organization as a microcosm of the County over the past half century and more, observing growth and change, we stand with out original position on the “Governance Issue,” time to examine if the people want a change in government structure after so much else has changed in Maui County.

So we submitted a Resolution shown here—to the County Council this week.



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