UPDATE  12/2/13  We have input from Water Department Director Dave Taylor who advises  the department ” did repair an air release valve in the area sometime last week.  That truck always carries patch material.  Staff just parked the truck there to be out of the way while they worked nearby.  That is not our baseyard and we are not doing any work on that site.”

Mr Couch is actively participating in Council member Hokama’s PIA Committee meeting this morning.


11/27/13  We are sure curious what is happening at this old base yard of Betsill Brothers just south of Kaonoulu where Kenolio terminates into the private property. This corridor would be the route of the North South Collector Road connecting two segmented portions of Kenolio. While the entrance is almost always closed, this year piles of debris continue to grow here, so someone with access must be dumping them there.

However this morning (11/27/13).we noticed with the gate wide open,  this Maui County truck, assigned to the Water Department, with the attached Maui County trailer, parked unattended at the site. The open trailer had a load of what appeared to be paving material on it. If this land remains private property, what is the County truck doing at the site? Has the County secured this land as a base yard? Does this foretell paving a portion of this direct path for a bike path?

We are posing these questions to our South Maui Council-member Don Couch, as well as Water Department Director Dave Taylor, and will update this inquiry as we obtain more information.

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