In keeping with the Hawaiian tradition of aloha ‘aina, caring for the land, we expect you to look beyond your own site at the big picture.
Critical issues to consider in Kihei are:
- Changing weather patterns which are causing periods of drought, followed by heavy rains and flooding overflowing gulches, impacting homes, roads, and the ocean.
- Eroding shorelines, causing more beach loss on Maui than on other islands, which will increase as sea levels continue to rise.
- Loss of reef coral due to construction run-off, which increases shoreline erosion.
- Inadequate transportation systems causing our north-south roads to be approaching gridlock.
As a developer in Kihei, it is your kuleana to consider impacts on your site from uphill, such as run-off water, as well as how your project will impact land and ocean downhill from you.. It is your kuleana to understand how your project will impact traffic flow and to minimize that impact. Think of your project as part of a system, because it is.