About The Committee System

Due to the complexity of its work, KCA divides its tasks among several committees. Each committee has its own meetings and sets its own goals and objectives. This creates considerable variation among the committees and allows KCA to be most effective in approaching many of the issues that we face as a community.

As more volunteers join KCA we are able to create more committees and/or subcommittees to specifically address the vast number of issues confronting us including some that may be timely or seasonal. The main focus of the committees is to find solutions, not just point out problems.

All committees act in an advisory capacity to the board of directors on all matters pertaining to public, community, government and media relations; fundraising; website management; and responding to inquiries from the public, the community, government officials and the media.

You can learn more about our committees and see in detail what they have been working on by using the pull down menu above or read about their programs in the community section by clicking on tags or searching the archives.

Current KCA Committees:

Public Relations Committee: Chaired by Mike Moran. Deals with all matters pertaining to public, community, government and media relations; fundraising; website maintenance; and responding to inquiries from the public, the community, government officials and the media.

Design Review Committee: Chaired by Linda Berry.  Reviews the design and characteristics of specific residential and/or commercial projects proposed within the organization’s service area. The committee reviews proposed projects with developers that are KCA Gold Business Members to aid them in developing their project to meet the specific guidelines established for South Maui and Kihei specifically.

Planning Committee: Chaired by Harry Hecht. Reviews and advises on long range planning for the organization’s service area with focus on upholding and enforcing the Maui County General Plan and the Kihei-Makena Community Plan. Establishes KCA position papers on a variety of planning topics including planned unit developments, traffic, roads, pedestrian walkways and bikeways, infrastructure, water and drainage issues, preservation of cultural and natural resources, and quality of life/sense of place issues.

Membership Committee: Chaired by Rob Weltman. Maintains the membership data base, responsible for membership renewals, growth and development, and collection of membership fees.

Recreation and Education Committee:  Chaired by Andrew Beerer.  KCA’s newest committee works closely with the Parks Department to establish guidelines for park maintenance, safety and development. Strives to improve and increase the number of bike lanes, sidewalks, recreation areas and safe non-vehicular transportation routes and recreation areas throughout Kihei.

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